MessageboardInfo Boardare often very reluctantly accepted with to her

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registered: 25.10.2013
25.10.2013, 19:18 email offline quote 

Style= "font-size:14px;" > some people say that, since you are born with a destined born for you; the boundless universe, however, life is short, how can you find that belongs to the fixed luck?Finding the perfect partner?Modern people always can not stick to this day, not to hold sac michael kors for fleeting youth and anxious mood; he (she) are often very reluctantly accepted with to her (he), but over her (he) compared with sac hermes homme the idea of perfect, then repeatedly disappointed.They don't know, know how to cherish side and we have, in fact, is the biggest happiness, true love.
if there is a persistent and lasting relationship and a treasures outside its, but the feeling is fleeting moments, you would choose which kind of?The
world has many outstanding men and beautiful women, but truly belong to your feelings only a.Because people don't view and change their love.Don't live in other people's eyes and lost yourself.Never too greedy.Love is not a dream, just like a joke say: if anyone believes that there is perfect love in the world, then this person is not a poet is an idiot.So, we attentively waiting for their own is not shaking heaven and earth love.
philosopher said: love is when you know he is not the person you worship, but also understand that there are a variety of his shortcomings, they still chose him, not because of his shortcomings and weaknesses and abandoned all his.Yes, without a lover is perfect, also have a relationship is flawless; this is the true love and love.When can we keep calm think of these words, think we struggled in pursuit of perfect ridiculous and naive?If there is such a Robe de bal person, he is in your mind is absolutely perfect, without any faults, but you Doudoune Northface fear but also eager to get close to him.This feeling is not called "love", but called "worship".
to create an idol worship, totem, as no flesh and blood.And do not love, love is true, can use the hand to touch the heart.Love is when you know he was dressed like a bumpkin, also want to go out with him up; you look down the merchant and he was a lovely little merchant; you have cleanliness but franklin marshall pas cher willing to wash his greasily lunch-box, dirty sneakers.
"you are not the best, but, I only love you!"Read the sentences to feel like a pair of old man ever vicissitudes, holding hands stroll in the warm sunshine, well-being recalling memories of the past.The past has been far, and recalling the long stay......
cherish all this is beside the biggest happiness in life.
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