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registered: 28.10.2013
30.10.2013, 18:03 email offline quote 

Mine a few changes of hands,mens hollister hoodies, well length later replaced by Xiaoli Dong Yang Zhongyi.
Through waste kiln cause flooding.
Report said, June 11, 2010 special meeting Qitaihe City (2010 12th) Ferrer Cheung confirmed illegal mining of coal eight wells behavior,cheap hollister coats, and ordered to return the sector and asked Peach Mountain Government-led,
Municipal Public Security Bureau, Land Bureau,hollister socal, with the innings and do related work.
Heilongjiang Provincial Department said the staff know when Ferrer Cheung mine eight wells illegal cross-border exploitation of the issue and instructed the Qitaihe City Land Bureau and severely punished,plus size hollister.
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Li Shu-Guang said that mine safety supervision bureau stationed on the safety supervision,hollister casting, but they do not know the name,discount hollister clothes,transportation management, do not know where the people.
Rescue headquarters spokesman, Qitaihe City Administration Emergency Office director Li Shu Guang,China University of Politics and dig out when planted Fatong school teaching building construction, said in an interview with reporters, did not know mine poaching incident, accident scene investigation found mine through private open face,shop online, digging
At 23:40 on December 1, 2012,the documented evidence, this cross-border potential illegal behavior because of a flooding incident marked a bloody period, into the well of the 22 people, six people were killed and four people missing.
(Original title: Qitaihe flooded coal mine safety supervision and cross-border mined for many years,hollister oxford street, said local knowledge)
Ferrer Cheung mine eight wells perennial cross-border poaching,hollister totes, in mine safety supervision should have found that has not been effectively stopped.
fined 1 million yuan of administrative penalties.
2, shall be confiscated 36.31 million tons of coal minerals; 3.
However, mine still does not recognize the fact that poaching, illegal mining continues.
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Xiaoli Dong contracting mine just did not take long though, but he admitted that he was still cross-border exploitation.
18 Posts
registered: 28.10.2013
31.10.2013, 02:10 email offline quote 

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