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27.10.2013, 19:01 - carysjhkjh - Noob - 17 Posts

boarding,, the event is hosted in the Main Salon. Over 1. Automatic enrolment gives people a straightforward way to convert their best intentions into action. to various branches of the then-nascent movement. Texts that might otherwise have served as mere literary input washed over me as rich devotional experiences as I read,Uggs Sale,?We must fufill the important mission that God has given to America,Ugg Boots Sale, Moon loved America because it symbolized God?s hope for the whole world . it was a glimpse of what could be possible when all peoples came together recognizing they are one family under one God? president of University of Bridgeport and former president of the said Monday?Even though [America] was a work in progress it had the power to inspire all other nations he addedRev Moon who died Monday at age 92 became one of the most endearing and polarizing figures in AmericaAmericas unique birth and destiny under God was an enduring theme of his ministryIn October 1973 speaking to an audience at Rev Moon praised the character of the Pilgrims who risked their lives to pursue religious freedom in the New World?It really inspires me to learn about the store of grain in the hold of the Mayflower which [the settlers] would not touch even though they were starving to death? he said ?They preserved this grain for planting the next spring This was truly a supreme example of sacrifice?Years later he wrote in his autobiography that while enduring similar starvation in prison he forced himself to give away half of his meager rice ration to other inmates thereby conquering the dispiriting effect of hungerAfter arriving in 1971 with his family Rev Moon spent his first five years barnstorming the country with a series of speeches addressing seven major cities in 1972 followed by separate ?Day of Hope? speaking tours in 21 cities in 1973 and 32 cities the following yearHis speeches carried such titles as ?God?s hope for America? and ?America and God?s will? and he urged listeners to rediscover the religious roots of the nations forebears He introduced the ideology of ?Godism? a firm conviction in Gods providential guidance to counteract the effects of atheismIn 1976 the Korean evangelist said that the nation?s bicentennial was meant to signal Americans that it was time to fulfill their nations divine mission He held rallies at in June gathering 45000 and at the in September where he told 300000 in attendance: ?I not only respect America but truly love this nation I respect and love her as a great nation as a godly nation and as the central nation in Gods Providence She is now at the threshold of her third century She must not disappoint God Today let us pledge to God Almighty that we shall do His will We shall never let Him down?However Rev Moons warnings and exhortations frequently provoked American audiences his movement of young people was publicly derided as a cult his theology was denounced as heretical and his efforts to combat atheistic communism irritated certain world powers and their alliesBefore long US critics called for government intervention leading to investigations of the by the and and a 1978 congressional inquiry led by Minnesota DemocratIn 1981 Rev Moon and a church leader were indicted on 13 counts of tax fraud including not paying $7300 taxes on $160000 of church funds kept in a bank account under the church founders name This trial led to a guilty verdict a federal prison sentence of 18 months fine of $25000 and frequent description as an ?ex-felon?But upon his release in August 1985 at age 65 he was welcomed by a rally and banquet with 1700 supporters and clergy including the Rev Joseph Lowery and the Rev Jerry Falwell S Mafi (B Stankovich 28-40.
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